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Sanitary Process Equipment Design

Date and time

Wednesday 23. May 2018 at 13:00 to 16:00

Registration Deadline

Tuesday 22. May 2018 at 12:00


Nordsjællands Konferencecenter, Gydevang 39-41, 3450 Allerød Nordsjællands Konferencecenter
Gydevang 39-41
3450 Allerød

Sanitary Process Equipment Design

Event Description

Welcome to the registration for the ISPE Nordic COP Cleaning Event: Sanitary Process Equipment Design.

NB! This event is exclusive for ISPE members - valid personal membership no. must be provided when registration.

The program for the event is:

13:00-13:10: Velkomst og præsentation af PEC

13:10-14:00: Sanitært design af procesanlæg – formål, gode historier mv. , Per Væggemose, Mikrobiolog og formand for EHEDG DK

14:00-14:30: Sanitære komponenter – design og samarbejde ml leverandører og brugere, en leverandørrepræsentant, fx fra Gemü

14:30-15:00: Pause

15:00-15:30: Installation af sanitære anlæg, en repræsentant fra et smedefirma

15:30-15:45: Opsummering – dos & don’ts, Per Væggemose. Mikrobiolog og formand for EHEDG DK                  

15:45-16:00: Tak for i dag fra ISPE, Henrik Goldschmidt

After the event program, there will be an oppotunity to stay and share knowledge with people in the network and enjoying some refreshments and snacks.

PEC is sponsor for this event.

Event Location

Click to view the event location on Google Maps >